Walleye Stompers Turtle Lake Special - 2 Pack
NEW from the HCL Vault are our Turtle Lake Special Walleye Stomper 2 Packs!!! They are in a word. AWESOME. Featuring a stellar paint job, strong glow, sticky sharp sickle hooks that really dig in and our hardcore finish you’ve come to know & love. These Walleye Stompers have just the right amount of flash & function! They are ideal for pounding on bottom to stir up a strike from a reluctant walleye nearby.
Walleys Stomper jigs are triangular shaped with a flat bottom. These stand up jigs keep the hook up off the bottom. They are great because they present the bait in an upright fashion allowing for a finicky walleye to grab it more easily. Why Not Get The Best!
Available in 1/8, 1/4 and 3/8 oz